
Radio Frequency Surgical Device Laparoscopy Surgery And Open Surgery
Model ST—531
- Present the best convenience at su rgery with Impedance control function!
- Superior performance especially at Laparoscopic surgery!
- Providin Laparoscopic sur e accessories! –

Our Services

Constant Power Control by Impedance monitoring

It prevents output power from being reduced over the area where impedance is increased. If impedance is increased over tissue, it produces more output power automatically so it makes it possible to maintain proper output power level during
the surgery.
Patient Plate Monitoring System(Return Electrode Impedence Working
ST—53‘l automatically checks for disconnection of the patient plate and if contact
between the patient plate and the patient is inadequate. it alarms and stops output
power for safety.

Safe and Convenient with 300W
ST-531 covers all surgeries in operation room with safe and convenient device control with 300W.

Various Cutting, Coagulation and Bipolar modes
2 types of cutting mode (Pure cut. Blend cut), 2 types of coagulation mode (Contact, Spray) and bipolar mode is available and each mode has optimized wave form of radio frequency so it brings the most suitable clinical result in surgery.
Pure cutting and powerful coagulation
ST-531 intelligently performs smooth or powerful coagulation according to situation. Pure cutting without spark and no carbonization is feasible due to our advanced electrosugical instruments.
Spray coagulation function
Spray coagulation function provides faster coagulation and stable clinical results. It accurately covers the desired area of the surface so it saves operation time and recovery time backed up by faster hemostasis and coagulation.
Triple foot switch and Hand probe switch
It provides convenient triple switch for cutting and coagulation. Users can also selectively use triple foot switch or Cut / Coag switch on hand probe.
The hand probe is compatible with other types of electrodes available on the market and all types of single use
patient plate are also compatible with patient plate cable connected to ST-531.
Compatibility with various patient plates
It is compatible with all types of single use patient plate available on the market so it could be used in convenient and economical way.

Touch Screen
8.4″ color graphic LCD and touch screen for convenience and easy operation.